Setting out.. once again!

Hope every day has some time with a book and a cup of tea!

e are living in difficult times, totally locked down and sitting at homes. Perhaps, it has provided us an opportunity to reflect upon what we had set out for and what all got left behind in the hassle of life. For me, one such thing is Reading books, though I was never an avid reader but with time I had, at least, started reading some books and I had kind of liked it. But with time, somehow I could not carry that habit forward and now if I look back I have not read even a single book in last couple of years.

I believe that whatever I have read so far constituted some aspect of my personality and unlike all other habits, it added in a positive way only. So, with the time which was made available by this lockdown, I have thought of setting out on a journey of reading books. So I searched on the internet and found a list of books which one should read before dying (it claimed so!).. then I searched further and found several such lists and eventually a list which was aggregation of all the available lists with a comparative analysis.

With this, I am setting out on a journey towards being a person who is well read and I also feel that it will keep me away from all the non productive activities which I do to kill the valuable time.

Here is the link of blog ( by Joel Patrick ) which I am referring.


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